◆前言 Windows Vista (Codename Longhorn),怕是盖子大叔怕“longhorn”这个名称让微软下一代的作系统继续难产,于是给他换了好养点的名字吧,不过VISTA的服务器版仍然叫做Longhorn。一句笑谈,但它确实是史上最难产的作系统——从2002年到现在,正式版发布日期一拖再拖。如今,微软终于发布了Windows Vista本,下面我还是以最新的版本为例子,给大家说一下Vista的安装方法。 首先来谈谈Vist...[ 查看全文 ]
First, we'll discuss the easy part. You'll have to create a few forms - one for the users to register (that is, get themselves into our AuctionUsers table), and one for sellers to post their info. These forms should be easy to create if you know how to handle forms (check out this WDVL article for more information). Basically, you should collect all the information from...[ 查看全文 ]