首页 相关文章 GPL非官方中文版


转自:http://gnu.freehostingguru.com/gpl/ 引用: 声明!这是一份 GNU 通用公共授权非正式的中文翻译。它并非由自由软件基金会所发表,亦非使用 GNU 通用公共授权的软件的法定发布条款─只有 GNU 通用公共授权英文原文的版本始具有此等效力。然而,我们希望这份翻译能帮助中文的使用者更了解 GNU 通用公共授权。This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public Licenseinto Chinese. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation, anddoes not legally state the distribution terms for software that usesthe GNU GPL--only the original English text of the GNU GPL does that.However, we hope that this translation will help Chinese speakersunderstand the GNU GPL better.
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