Code to clear browser history /* This logout.asp is used to clear the back pages of the browser, /* if the user has logged out. /* if there are no specific vbscripting to be done then you can /* use this file as logout.htm <% /* Clear all your sessions over here and do other /* desired things % <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript { var Backlen=history.len...[ 查看全文 ]
Windows XP提供了一种自动隐藏不活动图标的功能,启用该功能以后,可以让处于系统托盘里面的不活动图标自动隐藏起来,避免系统托盘区占用过多的任务栏空间。 该功能在设计的时候把在托盘区里面出现过的图标都做了记录,时间一长,右击任务栏空白处,选择“属性”,在“任务栏”选项卡中点击“自定义”按钮(假定已经勾选了“隐藏不活动的图标”复选框),可以在“过去的项目”栏里看到很多历史记录,...[ 查看全文 ]