<% dim a '要转换成大写的金额 dim atoc '转换之后的值 Dim String1 '如下定义 Dim String2 '如下定义 Dim String3 '从原A值中取出的值 Dim I '循环变量 Dim J 'A的值乘以100的字符串长度 Dim Ch1 '数字的汉语读法 Dim Ch2 '数字位的汉字读法 Dim nZero '用来计算连续的零值是几个 String1 = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖" String2 = "万仟佰拾亿仟佰拾万仟佰拾元角分" nZero = 0 If InStr(1, CStr(a * 100),...[ 查看全文 ]
function new_str(str) if instr(str,chr(34))<0 and str<"" then str_split=split(str,chr(34)) i=1 str_s="" for j=0 to ubound(str_split)-1 if i mod 2 then str_s=str_s&str_split(j)&"“"&str_split(j+1) else &nb...[ 查看全文 ]
<% function URLconvert(str) convertstr=str urlLocation=instr(convertstr,"http://") if (urlLocation=0) and (mailLocation=0) then URLconvert=convertstr exit function end if if urlLocation<0 then rightstr=str Do while urlLocation<urlLocationend urlLocation=instr(rightstr,"http://") urlLocatione...[ 查看全文 ]
html head titleHTML TO JavaScript 转换/title meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" / link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" / /head body div class="menu_head"HTML TO JavaScript 转换/div div class="content" div请在下边输入HTML代码:/div div textarea name="htmlcource" style="width:99%" rows="15" id="oSource" on...[ 查看全文 ]