<% dim objXML dim objRootElement dim strValue dim strInetURL dim strXML dim item strInetURL ="http://pf.inetsolution.com/inetactive2001/inetactive2001news.xml" Dim HttpReq set HttpReq = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") HttpReq.open "GET&quo...[ 查看全文 ]
这几天做ASP.Net追捕,也算是我入门吧。思路很简单,主要就是识别远程主机传回的Banner, 判断远程主机服务器。这可能不够准确,因为合格的管理员可能会去修改Banner。 代码如下(从我的Web追捕里找出来的,用VB.Net) Dim swWriter As StreamWriter &n...[ 查看全文 ]
Every so often people ask me the question how should they estimate memory consumption by MySQL Server in given configuration. What is the formula they could use. 经常有人问我配置MySQL时该如何估算内存的消耗。那么该使用什么公式来计算呢? The reasons to worry about memory usage are quite understandable. If you configure MySQL Server so it uses too small amount of me...[ 查看全文 ]