发送带附件的HTML格式邮件例程 如何通过 ASP 来发送带附件、格式为 HTML 的邮件?下面提供了一个例程. <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript% <% Response.Buffer = True Response.Expires = 0 '创建对象实例 Set myMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") '以下是将要发送的内容 HTML = "<html" HTML = HTML & "<head" HTML = HTML & "<...[ 查看全文 ]
如何通过 ASP 来发送带附件、格式为 HTML 的邮件?下面提供了一个例程. <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript% <% Response.Buffer = True Response.Expires = 0 '创建对象实例 Set myMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") '以下是将要发送的内容 HTML = "<html" HTML = HTML & "<head" HTML = HTML & "<titleSending CDONTS Email Using HTML</title" HTML = HTML & "</hea...[ 查看全文 ]
一个用Php Class写的发信程序 这个类里显示了发送MIME的方法,也就是HTML格式信件和附件发送的问题。 /* Mail: An object to encapsulate the sending of email. Allows user-specified From: addresses, handles the encoding of attachments; conforms more or less to MIME standards.. Uses sendmail to send the mail, mimencode to do the MIME encoding, and zip to automatically zip atta...[ 查看全文 ]