Descending indexing and loose index scan 降序索引和减轻索引扫描 Comments to my previous posts, especially this one by Gokhan inspired me to write a bit about descending indexes and about loose index scan, or what Gokhan calls “better range” support. None of these are actially related to Innodb tables in general - these are features MySQL should get for all stor...[ 查看全文 ]
Windows扫描端口链接数批处理 由于我们这里一个程序的断开连接开发的有问题,经常会有上千的链接处于ESTABLISHED状态,但是实际上这些链接早就应该断开,当这种链接堆积到一定程度就会出现服务器访问不能的状况。所以才生成了下面的脚本。 脚本的目的是每过固定时间后进行一次统计,根据统计数据的增长速度和到达服务器无法访问状态时堆积的链接数来判断大概通过多长时间重启一次服务。 @Echo off set a=...[ 查看全文 ]