一、实现对话框 ATL中有三个模板类可用于创建一个对话框: (1)CSimpleDialog:创建模式对话框, 可以host Windows Controls template < WORD t_wDlgTemplateID, BOOL t_bCenter = TRUE > class CSimpleDialog : public CDialogImplBase (2)CDialogImpl:创建模式或非模式对话框, 可以host Windows Controls template < class T, class TBase = CWindow > class ATL_NO_V...[ 查看全文 ]
Java的AWT库允许你把用户界面建立在Java applet中。AWT库包含有所有的用于建立简单界面所需要的控制:按钮、编辑框、检查框等等。 import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class AppletEvent extends Applet { int x, y ; Button b ; Color clr ; 在该applet构造函数中,代码初始化了变量x,y,clr,建立了一个新的显示你就按着玩儿吧!按钮控制,然后把按钮添加到窗体中。 ...[ 查看全文 ]
There is a general belief among developers that session state maintenance is always against one domain / site. And therefore one can not maintain session state across different domains. Usually there is no such requirement to maintain session state across different domains. But of late due to increase in the scope of web based applications developers feel the need to...[ 查看全文 ]