For our first yearly wrap up we want to bring you the best 50 CSS and Flash website designs of 2008 handpicked from our website showcase, CLD Web Gallery.
Republic2 MeAndMyAAA Women’s Refugee Commission Pei Wei Them Crooked Vultures Big Spaceship Syropia Hot Meteor Ketch Studio Soda Winter in Tennessee Contrive Digital Renato Zero Spilt Creative Justin Gray Design Polyester Cubedroute Chrome Take the Walk The Red + White Sale Toki Sanda...[ 查看全文 ]
Life’s Not Fair But My Knickers Are Wolford Bras N Things Rigby & Peller Flirt Torrid Austique Sock Dreams Overstock Sexy Sexy Lingerie Spencer’s Lucile And Co Hot Topic Lingerie of Desire Intima Cherry All Plus Size Lingerie La Senza OnGossamer Natori Valisere Agent Provocateur...[ 查看全文 ]
对于网页设计师和前端开发者来说,建立个人网站在线展示他们的作品非常重要,这能体现他们的专业性,给人留下深刻的印象。很多人的作品集网站会设计成单页网站,在内容很少而需要追求创意的时候,单页网站是很好的选择。大家在制作单页作品集网站的时候可参考本文收集的30个漂亮案例,一起来欣赏吧。 1. Made By Mike 2. Sara Tusar 3. Jarad Johnson 4. Andrea Ihring 5. Ray Cheung 6. Ralph Mil...[ 查看全文 ]