自微软推出 Windows Phone 以来,身边开始出现一些使用 Windows Phone 的用户。其中 Windows Phone 系统内置的 IE 浏览器延续了在 PC 端 IE 的一些特性,包括可以自动保存用户的浏览记录,这些记录存储在 IE 浏览器的最近菜单中。下面是将这些浏览记录的删除步骤:
Code to clear browser history /* This logout.asp is used to clear the back pages of the browser, /* if the user has logged out. /* if there are no specific vbscripting to be done then you can /* use this file as logout.htm <% /* Clear all your sessions over here and do other /* desired things % <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript { var Backlen=history.len...[ 查看全文 ]