Opera新版模拟器发布 现在在Windows桌面系统上也能借助Opera官方发布的模拟器体验下移动版的Opera浏览器。Opera新版模拟器发布,官方推出这个工具是用来给开发人员调试用的,但普通用户把它当作浏览器使用也完全没有任何问题。 Opera Mobile Emulator Opera Mobile是一款针对移动设备开发的浏览器,顾名思义,它就是Opera Mobile的模拟器。简单来说,它能在你的电脑上模拟各种手机...[ 查看全文 ]
故障现象: 以前安装过该软件,但是卸载了之后再次安装的时候就有报错: uh oh-bluestacks cannot be installed on this pc because you already have another program that uses a "dock" (friendly control bar along the side of your screen) you"ll need to uninstall this other program before bluestacks will install successfully email us at support@bluestacks.com if you need any help th...[ 查看全文 ]