一共4个页面:form.asp; chk.asp; num.asp; count.asp 得到一个随即数字。加密! 解密后成成XBM图片 利用session 判断 form.asp <% '### To encrypt/decrypt include this code in your page '### strMyEncryptedString = EncryptString(strString) '### strMyDecryptedString = DeCryptString(strMyEncryptedString) '### You are free to use this code as long as credits remain in place ...[ 查看全文 ]
% if request("cur_action")="add" then code=Request.Form("code") if code=empty then response.write "script LANGUAGE='javascript'alert('请输入验证码!');history.go(-1);/script" Session("GetCode")=empty response.End() elseif lcase(code)lcase(Session("GetCode")) then response.write "script LANGUAGE='javascript'aler...[ 查看全文 ]
%@page contentType="image/jpeg" import="java.awt.*,java.awt.image.*,java.util.*,javax.imageio.*"% %! //create by smallnest //email: smallnest@gmail.com //website:www.kuaff.com //生成随机颜色 Color getRandColor(Random random, int fc, int bc) { if (fc 255) fc = 255; if (...[ 查看全文 ]