NBA Live 2008怎么操作怎么玩 NBA Live 2008的操作方法 NBA Live 2008 一经推出就受到了广大玩家的喜爱,今天小编为大家带来的就是NBA Live 2008的操作方法介绍,我们一起来看看吧! NBA Live 2008的操作方法介绍: 操作说明Pass——传球 Switch Player——换人 [x] Shott——投篮 Take Charge——造撞人犯规[d] Pra-Hop——跳步/靠打 Rebound/Block——抢篮板/盖帽 [e] D...[ 查看全文 ]
《命令与征服3凯恩之怒》泰坦攻略 泰坦 英文 The Titan is the basic tier one battle mech for the Steel Talons. Since it is T1 it can be built right off the block from the War Factory. It is the replacement for the Predator Tank so it is primarily focused for anti-tank and anti-structure assaults. However when upgraded and escorted the Titan can become a versatile platform for att...[ 查看全文 ]
《命令与征服3凯恩之怒》强档攻略 《命令与征服3凯恩之怒》gdi隐藏单位现身,火鹰版思金人母舰 下图中,65架火鹰战机整齐的排成了圆圈,于是火鹰版思金人母舰诞生了! 《命令与征服3凯恩之怒》泰坦攻略 泰坦 英文 The Titan is the basic tier one battle mech for the Steel Talons. Since it is T1 it can be built right off the block from the War Factory. It is the replacement for th...[ 查看全文 ]