'文件内容读取. Function LoadFile(ByVal File) Dim objStream On Error Resume Next Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") If Err.Number=-2147221005 Then Response.Write "
Err.Clear Response.End End If With objStream .Type = 2 .Mode = 3 .Open .LoadFromFile Server.MapPath(File) If Err.Number<0 ...[ 查看全文 ]
Ever want to know how to display the contents of a text document using ASP. Here is a easy way to read from a text file <!--Start of ASP Code---- <% 'by James Seymour, http://jamesdot.org Dim write Dim fileSysObj, tf, read ' Read the read.txt ' Store the file name where the Information is stored into a variable called read read = "re...[ 查看全文 ]
<% dim fso,f1 Const ForReading = 1 set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ''使用fso对象读取信息。 set f1=fso.OpenTextFile("E:\doit\info2.txt", ForReading) ''打开要读取的文件 dim conn,rst set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") ''建立数据库连接,执行操作 set rst=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") co...[ 查看全文 ]
Oracle数据直接导出到文本文件的方法 利用Oracle中的Spool缓冲池技术可以实现Oracle数据导出到文本文件。 1)、在Oracle PL/SQL中输入缓冲开始命令,并指定输出的文件名: spool d:output.txt 2)、在命令行中随便输入你的SQL查询: select mobile from customer; select mobile from client; …… 3)、在命令行中输入缓冲结果命令: spool[ 查看全文 ]
try { // create a new ADOConnection to the text file through ODBC and an existing Data Source ADOConnection conn = new ADOConnection("Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=registrations;"); // create a DataSet Command that selects all the records from the registration.txt table (which in this case is a file) ADODataSetCommand AdoCmd = new ADODataSetCommand("SELECT * ...[ 查看全文 ]
Have you needed to get information dynamically from Standard Formatted Windows INI files? Here's a set of tools to help you with just that. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss specific actions. More details can be obtained by looking at the files supplied. Let's see how to implement the tools usage by looking at some parts of TEST.ASP: <!--#include virtual...[ 查看全文 ]
首先在服务器端先创建一个程序可以生成XML文件,以返回客户端,(getfolder.asp) <% 'written by Linzhang Chen ,2003-4-20 ' 转载请注明出处和保留此版权信息 response.write "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""GB2312""?"&chr(13) response.write "<mediafile"&chr(13) folders=request("folder") if folders="/" then folders="" end if dim count count=0 folders=replace(...[ 查看全文 ]