遍历当前页的的控件的方法和用途有很多,如定位datagrid中的checkbox... 但是要是遍历当前页的所有控件,有人说是foreach (object c in PageControls),其实这样是不行的 你可以Response.Write(c.GetType().Name.ToString()+" ");看看.(估计在不采用代码隐藏时候行) 经过下午的询问和研究,在不采用代码隐藏的时候很简单,直接 foreach (object c in hf.Controls),其中hf就是form的id 但是在代码隐藏的...[ 查看全文 ]
SQL_PLUS中 spool ExecCompProc.sql select 'alter procedure 'object_name' compile;' From all_objects where status = 'INVALID' and object_type = 'PROCEDURE'; spool off @ExecCompProc.Sql; 整理成一个存储过程 Create Or Replace Procedure Zl_Compile_Invalid_Procedure As Strsql Varchar2(200); Begin For x In (Select Object_Name From ...[ 查看全文 ]
Public Sub distinctCount() '求Col列中StartRow到EndRow范围中不重复的个数 '本例是计算标题为sheet1的Excel表中的A1:A240的不重复值的个数 '修改下面四行的结尾值 Dim sheetsCaption As String: sheetsCaption = "Sheet1" Dim Col As String: Col = "A" Dim StartRow As Integer: StartRow = 1 Dim EndRow As Integer: EndRow = 240 '以下固定 Dim Count As Integer: Count = 0 With Sheets(sheets...[ 查看全文 ]
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN“ HTML HEAD META http-equiv=Content-Type content=“text/html; charset=utf-8“ TITLE打开Excel表/TITLE /HEAD BODY input name=“shanghai“ type=“button“ class=“but“ id=“shanghai“ onClick=“StartExcel('上海')“ value=“上海店“ SCR...[ 查看全文 ]