首页 相关文章 This world only you and me.这个世界只有你和我

This world only you and me.这个世界只有你和我

I never told you, I wanna hold you。(我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你)

But I tolerate all the last nothing hold me我容忍了所有最后反倒什么都容不下我

This world only you and me.这个世界只有你和我

The beast heart is the most weak place(禽兽最柔软的地方是心脏)

The leaves fall and winter street{落叶飘零的街边转眼是冬天}

Get it, io fortunato. Err, io sono la vita. Di quello.得之,我幸。失之,我命。如此而已。

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2016-02-19 标签:

This world only you and me.这个世界只有你和我的相关文章

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