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iPhone越狱后出现错误“We apologize for the inconvenience”怎么办

iPhone越狱后出现错误“We apologize for the inconvenience”怎么办

  今天有个网友的iphone手机遇到一个问题,不但进入Safe Mode,而且还会弹出一个对话框要求重启,这是什么原因呢?错误提示如下:

  We apologize for the inconvenience, but springboard has just crashed. MobileSubstrate /did not/ cause this problem: it has protected you from it. Your device is now running in Safe Mode. All extensions that support this safety system are disabled.

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2016-03-31 标签:

iPhone越狱后出现错误“We apologize for the inconvenience”怎么办的相关文章

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