灵芝花菇煲笨鸡 1、将花菇放入40度的温水中泡软;将鸡腿洗净后,放入冷水中大火煮开,撇去浮末,放入姜片。 2、煮5分钟后放入洗净的枸杞和灵芝、去皮的花生和浸泡后的花菇,继续煮30分钟。 3、最后放入盐调味即可。 Directions: 1、Soak the flower mushroom in water until soft; Put the washed chicken leg into a pot with cold water, boil over high-heat then skim off the foam on the sur...[ 查看全文 ]
灵芝花菇煲笨鸡 1、将花菇放入40度的温水中泡软;将鸡腿洗净后,放入冷水中大火煮开,撇去浮末,放入姜片。 2、煮5分钟后放入洗净的枸杞和灵芝、去皮的花生和浸泡后的花菇,继续煮30分钟。 3、最后放入盐调味即可。 Directions: 1、Soak the flower mushroom in water until soft; Put the washed chicken leg into a pot with cold water, boil over high-heat then skim off the foam on the sur...[ 查看全文 ]